Top 10 Evergreen Passive Income that really works

Passive Income: Top 10 online passive income ideas for 2022

Don’t waste your time just scrawling social media posts or something on the internet.  Instead make your internet an online passive income source.

A week ago, one of my friends asked me for some financial help. He requested me to provide a loan to him.

But I did not accept his request and refused to give him a loan. But, I thought of something better for him.

I realized that he needs some financial education so that he, in future, won’t ask for a loan from others.

I recommended top 10 online passive income ideas that make him enjoy financial freedom.

The Most Profitable Home Business Idea for 2022

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And in this post I share those top 10 passive income ideas one by one.

Passive income aims

Passive income is a financial weapon.. 

When a person works for one time and earns recurring income from the same for a long time is passive income.

I love to earn Passive income very much because there is no upper limit of earning. Anyone can earn as much as he wishes.

In the passive income model, you must focus on content creation for the first time if you are interested in online.

Because it is your content that generates income. So if you can create some awesome content, your 90% work is done.

Passive income means earning money even while you sleep, on vacation, etc. 

So now let’s see what are the top 10 passive income ideas/sources available online on the internet.

# Run a subscription services-passive income idea no1.

It seems to be very difficult when you hear it for the first time. 

But after you learn what it means, you will enjoy it.

Start a subscription service means the service people purchase and renew monthly or yearly basis.

Renew, Upgrade, subscription service in Passive income
Renew, Upgrade, subscription service in Passive income

Let’s have an example to understand in a very simple practical way.

Suppose I am an educator and I launch an online educational application and my students take my lessons, practise MCQs by purchasing a monthly subscription. 

Here in that case, I create my lessons, tests for one time and generate recurring passive income for a long time.

Some upto date passive income ideas:

  • Create your own coaching app
  • Create/get a billing software created
  • Launch an online tool website
  • Hire some educators and launch an educational platform online.
  • Create a reseller hosting service website

The above mentioned methods are in trend. For being a beginner, it may scare you. But people are earning very well by these online business models.

# Sell e-books and start earning passive income

Selling EBook passive income
Selling E-book passive income

In this business model, again you have to create some awesome content one time.

From march 2020, the learning trend shifted from offline to online. 

Millions of students prefer cheap priced PDF books online to buy a physical book.

Best Ebook ideas:

  • General knowledge
  • Financial education
  • Health and yoga
  • Beauty tips
  • Digital marketing
  • Interview question answers
  • Share market tips
  • Mutual fund investment tips
  • Make money online tips
  • Computer education
  • Web development studies

Everyday millions of e-books are sold on different platforms.

How to sell e-books online?

  • Create and live your brand new website
  • Launch your ecommerce application
  • Upload downloadable e-books on website or application
  • Create an engaging Instagram page or a Facebook page or both
  • Publish 3 posts weekly about your e-books
  • Start earning passive income.

Success  tips: to make passive income online

  • Sell e-books for moderate price
  • Generate payment link through Razor pay
  • Offer catchy offers
  • Offer free gifts
  • Offer discount coupon codes
  • Offer free samples

Millions of Instagram page owners earn a good income by these business methods. Then why not you!

# Share investment app links

Share apps passive income
Share investment apps passive income

I hope you already know what the investment apps are.

How it works is unknown to you, don’t worry I’ll tell you.

Those apps which help us to invest in mutual funds, opening demat accounts for investing in shares , stocks etc are investment apps.

As a user of those apps you can start investment in those funds as well as can earn a good passive income by sharing and inviting others to install the apps links.

Some of very useful apps are:

  • Upstox
  • Groww
  • Finity
  • INDmoney

# Sell online video courses

If you do not like to invest in your coaching app or website, you can still sell your online lessons on those websites which are worldwide famous for online courses.

You can start earning a handsome passive income by registering as an educator on these websites.

# Start a forum website-most profitable passive income source

If you want to earn a high revenue from Google Adsense, you should start your web forum.

According to Google, the forum websites are on the top of comparatively higher earning websites. 

Here in a forum website, the owner doesn’t create any content. All the contents are created by the audiences.

So, if you do not want to create any content, you can launch a forum website.

How to earn passive income from a forum website?

In multiple way, you can earn:

  • Google AdSense
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Membership 

# Start a blog on a micro niche

Those who are efficient in writing on any topic, can start a blog.

Yes, blogging is not only a passive income source, but also a lucrative career option.

Write at least 25 blog posts on a trending topic and your passive income will start.

If your blog ranks well, you can earn in multiple ways.

  • Google Adsense ads revenue
  • Affiliate Marketing Commission
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Guest Posts
  • Sponshored Links
  • Selling your blog

How to start a blog!

A blog starts with the following steps:

  • Buy a domain name for your blog
  • Purchase a web hosting plan
  • Connect your domain with the hosting
  • Start publishing blog posts

It can be a good option for generating passive income instantly. It is called content marketing.

# Start a You tube channel

As similar as a blog is a youtube channel. In a blog, you publish contents in written form. You can insert images, videos, infographics etc.

And in the youtube channel, you have to publish all such content in video formats. 

You-tube is the second largest search engine in the world, so if you make videos on searchable topics/keywords, you can earn as much as you want.

Earning Sources in youtube:

  • Adsense revenue
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsor videos
  • Product reviews
  • Paid promotions
  • Selling products and services

But here is a little challenge. If you wish to turn on monetization of  your youtube channel, you must have 1000 subscribers and 4k hours watch time on your channel.

Nowadays, millions of people choose you-tube as their career.

# Create a product/service and create an affiliate system for it.

When you sell others’ products and earn a fixed amount of commission, it is called affiliate marketing.

In an affiliate marketing system, the original sellers do not need to plan too much to sell their products or services, because they launch affiliate systems and affiliate marketers sell their products. 

Isn’t it marvelous? 

Similarly, you can also create products that provide values to consumers and announce an affiliate system.

Many affiliate marketers will promote your products and you earn passive income.

Success tips:

  • Create real value providing products or services
  • announce a good amount of affiliate commission

That’s it.

# Start an Insurance Advisory service

Insurance industry is such an industry that is constantly growing in the world. 

Every year billions of people purchase insurance policies as per their needs.

But sometimes, people need an advisor to suggest and help to choose the right insurance policy for the right person’s needs.

Here who plays an important role is an insurance advisor. It is regarded as one of the best passive income sources because once purchased policy needs to be renewed yearly or monthly.

You can work as an advisor from any country.

In India, you should apply to register as an insurance advisor on ‘Policy’. And start earning.

A beginner should have training to become an advisor and policy bazar itself provides free training for the same.

As per last year’s records, millions of people earn in crores as an insurance advisor. Then why not you! 

# Start affiliate marketing of web hosting plans

Web hosting is such a digital product that almost every customer needs to renew it after a certain period of time.

The affiliate marketers gets high commission for selling a web hosting plans

Apart from this more lucrative points are:

  • Worldwide customers
  • Get high commission
  • Instant approval
  • Banners and images are provided by the company for free

How to start web hosting affiliate marketing?

  • Create a web hosting review blog
  • Create a web hosting review youtube channel
  • Write some articles for your blog
  • Create some awesome videos 
  • Insert your unique affiliate links in the articles .
  • Paste you unique affiliate link in video description

In the ways mentioned above, you can easily start earning passive income.

Conclusion: top 10 passive income ideas

Passive income means recurring income. You can start passive income in these 10 methods 1) run a subscription service. 2) selling ebooks. 3) selling online courses. 4) start a blog. 5) start a youtube channel. 6) sharing investment app links. 7) starting a forum website. 8) starting an insurance advisory service.  9) starting a web hosting affiliate business.

If anyone wants to start earning passive income, they must create valuable content. Their 90% focus must be on content creation.

Hard as well as smart work, consistency can only make you successful to make money online.

A beginner is advised as well as suggested to take some basic training to start with full confidence.

The Internet is an ocean of potential. So if you love your work, success will be only yours.

Thanks for reading.

More reach reading: How to earn money online 15 self approach trends

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