[2023] *Best 5 zero investment business for beginners

Can you imagine that you can start a highly profitable zero investment business without investing a single paisa? In this awesome post, you will find not only handful of zero investment business ideas for beginners but also tips on how to start and how to grow.

Zero Investment Business
Zero Investment Business

Yes, you believe it or not, but it’s true. 

In the era of internet, digital marketing, everyone has complete freedom to start an online business without investing a rupee.

The business ideas, which are going to be shared here, can be started online as well as offline. But, if you maintain online methods, you will get success very soon.

However you may need to take some basic training before starting one of the businesses. But no need to worry about that because where to get free training is also told here.

The most interesting thing, before going ahead I would like to say is these businesses will be your passive income source in the long run.

You can also preferThe most profitable home business ideas for 2022

5 Best Online Zero Investment Business ideas

Let’s see all 5 zero investment business ideas one by one

# Affiliate Marketing-Online zero Investment business idea no 1

What is affiliate marketing?: Affiliate marketing refers to an online business model in which marketers pick up others’ products and sell them online. Whenever a product is sold by the special unique affiliate link, the marketers get lucrative commission instantly.

Zero Investment Business
Zero Investment Business

Who can start an affiliate marketing business?

Anyone can start an affiliate marketing business or start career as an affiliate marketer if he/she is

  • At least 18 years of old
  • Having knowledge on how to review a product
  • Having a smartphone/computer/laptop
  • Capable of doing work 3-4 hours daily

The present technology has made this business model easier for the beginners to start.

Many affiliate websites are live on the internet where the registration as an affiliate marketer is as simple as water.

A beginner should register on those affiliate products websites, select a product and start promoting, that’s it. 

Some Popular Affiliate Marketing Websites for very beginners

How to promote Affiliate products online?

Here the game starts now. You can promote products in free methods or paid methods. 

Popular Free methods:

  • By free websites/blogs
  • Facebook pages
  • Instagram pages
  • Telegram groups
  • Whatsapp groups

If you are ready to generate more sell, you can go for paid methods that are

  • Professional automatic website
  • Android apps
  • Google adwords

How much can you earn from affiliate marketing?

Commission depends on the products’ categories.

But you can easily earn at least $1000/month, if you work 3-4 hours daily initially.

Some affiliate plans that pay high commission

  • Web hosting plans
  • Insurance 
  • Online professional courses
  • Health products
  • Electronic products

# Insurance Advisory Business-zero investment business idea no 2

It is said that the insurance business is one of the most lucrative businesses. And after Covid-19, this business grew many fold.

What is an insurance advisory business?

Zero Investment Business
Zero Investment Business

It is an associate business idea. In this business, an advisor/associate promotes the most suitable insurance plans for those who actually need insurance.

It is a recurring business plan that means whenever a subscriber purchases as well as renews an insurance plan, the advisor will receive commission on that.

 Passive income source. Work only for one time and get rewards lifetime.

What are the insurance products you can sell:

  • Health insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Bike insurance
  • Car insurance
  • House insurance
  • Shop insurance

The most reliable, famous, popular, authentic website to register as an insurance is ‘Policybazaar.com’.

But here, you need basic training on how to become an insurance advisor or associate. You can get online training absolutely free on  ‘coursedes.com’. 

Pro tips: Learn and earn online passive income.

# Digital Real Estate Marketing business-Zero Investment business idea no 3

Can you imagine that you will earn a lot of money from real estate?

Zero Investment Business
Real Estate-Zero Investment Business

What is a digital real estate marketing business?

Real estate marketing means you will arrange a meeting between buyers of a new flat/home/building and seller of the same.

How to start a digital real estate marketing business?

Examples will teach you.

One day you should walk 25 kilometers around your house to see where new flats are being built.

Talk to the builders wherever you see new construction

that you want to promote their flats online with pictures, videos

If the clients you bring with you buy a flat, you will get 1 or 2 percent commission

Many builders agree and many builders do not agree

However, most builders will agree to your proposal

This is how your business will start

How to promote your zero investment business for free online?

You can easily promote flats, houses, lands, and shops absolutely free online. And you need not create your own blog or websites.

Digital Real Estate Business websites

  • Magic brick
  • 99acres
  • Housing.com 

In the above mentioned websites, list your property pictures and all done.

Besides selling, you can start other businesses through these websites.

  • Rent 
  • Home loans
  • Interior
  • Solar roof tops
  • Etc.

And the most interesting thing I would like to mention here is that you will get your customers in your districts because the websites allow you to choose your native location so that you get the most targeted customers.

How much can you earn? from zero investment business

Earning potential is very high. Sometimes , digital real estate marketers earn in crores. 

When you will be popular in your business niche, you can start your own online start up in the digital real estate business.

# Digital Coaching-best start up idea-online zero investment business no.4

One of the most emerging online start up ideas is it. 

If you can teach something, like academic subjects or cooking or singing or yoga or whatever, you should start your online classes.

Covid-19 has already imprisoned us in the home. As schools, colleges remain closed, learners want online educators to continue their learning. 

Remember, there is no scarcity of learners. People want to learn something new everyday.

How to start an online coaching business?

You can start your own online coaching absolutely free.

Best free online coaching Platforms are

  • Udemy
  • SkillShare
  • Unacademy

First , create some lesson videos on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop/computer.

Second, register yourself as an educator on these websites, and upload your lesson videos.

Third, select the price for your course. that’s it.

Here I would like to say that I started my first online business as an online educator on Un-academy.

# Network Marketing-passive income-online zero investment business idea no 5

Teamwork marketing and network marketing are the same type of business model. It is also a genuine passive income source.

As an insurance advisor, if you are interested in network marketing business, you need basic training otherwise it will take too much time to get success.

For free training on network marketing, visit ‘coursedes.com’.

# Final tips and ideas on the most profitable Zero Investment business ideas

It is your mind set that makes you successful instantly.

Whatever business you are going to start is not important at all. What is important is how much time you are allotting, how serious you are with your business.

We discussed here best 5 business ideas:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Insurance Advisory
  • Digital Real Estate 
  • Online Coaching, the best start up
  • Network marketing

These online zero investment business models are too simple to start. And they will assist you to earn a passive income. That means you will work hard one time and earn revenue day after day.

But , if you are a beginner, you should take 21 days of free training so that you can grow your business to the next level.

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